H3 Physics Tuition (MOE 9814) 
Tel: 62756800

Mr. Phang's H3 lessons are offered free-of-charge to his existing and past students to give them an extremely powerful edge over their peers, not just in H3 but also H2 and secondary school (strange?), as explained below.

The H3 class is open not just to his students taking H3 Physics but students of any age who feel they could handle first-year university undergraduate science or engineering physics (equivalent to H3).

Mr. Phang's H3 students' age thus ranges from 12 to 18 (probably the most unique class in Singapore) comprising:

1. H3 students taking MOE H3 physics (9814).

2. Sec 1 to JC1 students who want to learn far far far far far far ahead of their school syllabus.

Other than in the top junior colleges, perhaps the only other place in Singapore where students congregate for H3 physics lessons is Mr. Phang's tuition centre (just Google "H3 Physics Tuition").

Surely Mr. Phang cannot be the only H3 physics tutor in Singapore. But whether tutors who teach H3 have the critical mass of elite students wanting to learn from them, that is another matter altogether.

Mr. Phang is greatly honoured to be the preferred tutor of students whose secrets are in their genes.

Click here for : H3 Physics Resources Centre

Testimonials from some H3 Physics Students (since 2007 when H3 began)

“Thanks so much for your inspiration! I am now on track to becoming an MOE teaching scholar, having been awarded their Education Merit Scholarship, and I look forward to applying the techniques that you taught me, and your love for your subject, to my own future students.”

“The most striking feature of Mr. Phang's lessons is his idiosyncratic and lively teaching style, where he fuses humour seamlessly and effortlessly with complex physics concepts and explanations ... these classes were paramount in enabling me to achieve my distinction for the H3 'A' Level paper.”

“Surely, there is no better place to learn physics than in Mr. Phang's class, where questions are challenging and his explanations of them even more enlightening ...”

Fiona Foo (SPhO Champion 2007) & Chen Hongjie (LKY Maths & Science Award 2010)

Surprise Visitors

On an uneventful Saturday, while wrapping up his afternoon class, Mr. Phang has surprise visitors! Fiona Foo (Singapore Physics Olympiad Champion 2007 - back from the US on summer break) and Chen Hongjie (NJC's Top Student in Mathematics and Science - LKY Maths & Science Award 2010 - on army break) - Photo taken by NYGH top Sec 4 student in Physics 2010.

Singapore Physics Olympiad Champion 2007

The Staits Times January 11, 2008

Fiona Foo (NUS High School) Overall Champion

“Thank you for teaching me Physics ~ I've learnt a great deal from your lessons.”

Super Students

with Super Tutor Phang Yu Hon

Kang Zi Yang (seated 2nd from left) & Chen Hongjie (seated 2nd from right)

National Science Challenge Finals 2008

MediaCorp Channel 5. October 9, 2008

Kang Zi Yang - National Science Challenge Champion

Singapore Ranked First at International Physics Olympiad

Channel News Asia July 19, 2011

Kang Zi Yang (Raffles Institution) - top Singaporean student in the IPhO 2011

More Super Students

Sec 3 Students attending Mr. Phang's H3 Physics Class

1. Wang Fanming RI (NMO Champion 2010); 2. Matthew Shi RI (SJPO Gold Medallist 2014/15); 3. Xavier Lim RI (SJPO Gold Medallist 2013); 4. Teddy Ong NUS High (SJPO Gold Medallist 2013/14/15)

Singapore Physics Olympiad 2015

Gold Medals Awarded to 8 Students

Teddy Ong and Matthew Shi were Year 4 students who took part in both the SPhO as well as the Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad (SJPO)

Teddy went on to become the top Singaporean student at the Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) 2017

Teddy's Dad Good News SMS

Asian and International Physics Olympiad 2017

Update: Teddy Ong (NUS High School) won Gold at the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) 2017 - Singapore won 5 gold medals to rank 1st out of 86 participating countries

Matthew's Mum Good News SMS

Singapore Physics Olympiad (SPhO) 2015

Matthew Shi (Raffles Instituion) and Teddy Ong (NUS High School) were the only two Sec 4 students in Singapore to win Gold Medals at the SPhO 2015

“Mr. Phang is very funny and demonstrates physics in everyday analogies ...”

“I have thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from his lessons, ...”

“so understandable everyone can understand and connect with it. Everyone.”

“... by making even quantum physics crystal clear with his epic analogies and humour”

“... analytical thought and reasoning are inculcated through your continually entertaining lessons!”

“He uses truly interesting analogies to liven up the class atmosphere and make Physics look easy and fun to learn.”

“Will always remember your entertaining and effective lessons!”

“His teaching style is one of a kind, humorous yet strict when it comes to ensuring students comprehension of physics ...”

“A good portion of Mr. Phang's lessons are dedicated to guiding students on how to tackle the dreaded open-ended questions, giving his students a significant edge.”

“I only managed to get a Distinction for my H3 Essentials of Modern Physics A levels thanks to your innovative teaching methods! Your class was definitely a fun, engaging and challenging one.”

“... in early Sec 4 I was failing every single Physics test ... eventually I was even selected to do Physics at the H3 level and was part of a team of 25 students representing my school for the 2010 Singapore Physics Olympiad.”

“You have managed to turn a traditionally dry school subject into an entertaining and interactive adventure every lesson.”

“Thank you Mr. Phang for helping me achieve my A in H2 Physics and a Distinction in H3 Physics.”

“From nearly failing physics in sec 3 and having no interest in the subject at all, I came to understand physics so much better through Mr. Phang's help and to my own surprise, even took up H3 Physics!”

“Thank you for being such an entertaining and fun physics teacher! The analogies you use in class are really very memorable ...”

“Mr Phang has always been able to simplify concepts to enable his students to understand them better and at the same time, make them laugh.”

“... surrounded by top school students, I am probably one of your more unique students having skipped Sec 4 and JC2 classes to jump straight into H3 and was even given the chance to be the sole representative for my school in the SJPO!”

The Law of Motivation

The Straits Times November 9, 2014

He was the only neighbourhood school student to win a gold or silver medal

First LOCAL Neighbourhood School Student to Win a Silver Medal at the Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad (SJPO)

Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad 2014

Raphael Loh (Whitley Secondary School)

“Before I joined Mr. Phang's class, I could do well for physics but have little interest ...”

“His H3 lessons are like his H2 lessons and special IB lessons, entertaining and fun.”

“Even though I was two years younger, your lessons were very clear and easy to follow. The analogies and examples you used made things understandable ...”

International Young Physicists Tournament 2016

Singapore Team (Champion)

Muzammil Arif Jabbar (Raffles Institution) 4th from right

Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics & Science 2018

From left: Muzammil Arif (IYPT 2016 Champion Singapore Team), Pan Liyu (SYPT 2017 Champion RI Team), Mr. Phang

Mr. Phang's bonus for having first-class physics tuition students is attending glam ceremonies in his personal private capacity

YDSP Academic Award (Physics)

Young Defence Scientists Programme Award for being the Top Physics Student at ACSI

Rohan Arya Varma (ACSI)

“I had the best of both worlds - quality teaching for both the IB and A-level H2 and H3 programmes.”

“Mr. Phang's unique way of teaching, approachable personality and effective learning techniques made Physics more interesting to me ... pushed me to take up H3 physics.”

“Mr. Phang is a very humorous teacher, starting from waist exercises (when doing gravitational field) to Phang-nam style (when teaching electromagnetic induction). All these analogies made the lessons funny and helped me to memorise difficult physics concepts.”

First International School Student to Top the Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad (SJPO) General Round

The "Joseph Schooling" of Physics Olympiad

Ding TianYao (SJI International)

TianYao's Mum Good News SMS

"Mr. Phang, just received SJPO results, TianYao got Gold, too delighted, initially thought there was no chance as the second special round had lots of writing questions. After learning from you for 2 years, TianYao's interest in physics is becoming more and more intense."

Translation of Ding TianYao Mum's Good New SMS

Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad (SJPO) 2016

Listed in alphabetical order according to the name of students' school

Ding TianYao, St Joseph's Institution International School, 2016

“I applaud his method of teaching physics concepts which is through simple (and sometimes amusing) analogies such that any student can easily visualise.”

“It is impossible to get drowsy in his class, even for those lessons that lasted till midnight* as his lessons were always filled with humorous examples and analogies.” * The H3 physics class from 9:30 pm to midnight, despite its late timing, also has the most energetic students.

“His dedication is evident through the H3 lessons that he conducts till very late at night ...”

“I love the fun and wacky analogies he used to make the concepts more memorable.”

“Mr. Phang- thank you for all your guidance and help for H3 Physics; without going for your classes I would have still been struggling to grasp several concepts!”

“Hi Mr Phang I got distinction for H3 Physics. Thank you for your help. I got A for my H2 Physics too.”

“You make concepts much easier to understand and I thoroughly enjoyed your lessons and the jokes you cracked”

“I drastically improved my grade from U to A (and qualify for H3 physics)”

“Thank you for staying up so late every Friday to share with us your Physics knowledge, and explaining to us the practical applications too!”

“I enrolled in Mr. Phang's Sec 3 lessons when I was in Sec 1 ... progressively Mr. Phang has kindly allowed me to attend his JC1, JC2 and H3 lessons ...”

“His students’ stellar results speak volumes of his incredible teaching abilities. Under his tutelage, I was able to defend my title of Top in Physics in RI/RJC for 2 years in a row.”

“a testamont to the number of students he has taught who have gone on to attain many awards and accolades on the national and international level. That to me, is what truly makes Mr. Phang a super tutor.”

“Thank you very much for the fun and engaging lessons over the years.”

“... accompanied by funny, memorable and relevant jokes which aided the learning process.”

“The interest sparked within me propelled me from a C6 in my Sec 3 EOYs to attaining a gold medal for SPhO less than 2 years down the road.”

“Mr. Phang's lessons have made preparations for the new MOE H3 Physics (with the baffling syllabus) much more manageable, and it has played a crucial part in helping me achieve the distinction in H3 Physics”

“Filled with cool experimental demonstrations and humorous analogies, Mr. Phang's lessons lessons deliver content effectively and enjoyably”

“he delivers lessons in a humorous yet effective way, allowing students to find joy in learning phyiscs”

“True to its promise "First Class in Physics Tuition", Mr. Phang's lessons are unfailingly engaging and enriching.”

“His jokes and stories make difficult concepts easier to digest and remember.”

“His well-curated lesson notes helped me understand the concepts well and allowed me to score distinction in A levels.”

“Thank you for your good teaching and amazing notes that helped me fully understand every H3 topic”

“he uses relatable and humorous stories and analogies to help us better relate to concepts.”

“he was espcially adept at identifying seemingly impossible questions and then making their concepts easy to understand”

"... I had many "Eureka" moments for difficult concepts, and was finally able to draw connections between H3 content."

"he frequently tells his students jokes when explaining physics definitions to make them much easier to understand ..."

"... help us remember physics concepts, from creative and humourous analogies to live demonstrations."

"Mr. Phang teaches physics in a very interesting way, making the lessons both something to look forward to and informative."

"I learnt a lot and my explanation skills have also improved."

"... a joy to attend because of your burning passion and your amazing humour."

"he injects humour into his lessons while placing emphasis on exam techniques ..."

"Mr. Phang's physics lessons are entertaining and always allow you to learn somthing new."

"Coming Soon ..."