Mobirise Mobirise v4.3.2

Integrated Programme (I.P.)
Tel: 62756800

"Too often, I was caught not paying attention in class.”
MM Lee Kuan Yew, RI 1936-40 (The Singapore Story)

“The GP teacher could see me doing non-GP work under her nose."
Dr. Lee Wei Ling, RI 1970-71 ('A' for Uncle Earnest)

“When we decided to turn independent, 1/3 of our teachers decided to leave."
Hwa Chong Principal (Interview with Dr. Hon Chiew Weng)

Since I.P. schools do well after teachers leave them, late bloomers who could not study at top schools want to teach there before leaving for the tuition industry.

The Secrets are in Their Genes

I.P. students whose uncles are brighter than their teachers, like MM Lee's daughter above, now have a tutor who empathises with them.

A tutor who does not need to claim credit for their families' intellect - because he has his own - "SUPERTUTOR" Mr. Phang Yu Hon (a second generation Rafflesian whose uncle was RI's top student. Click About).

IP Physics Tutor | Singapore IP Physics Tuition