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More Than Formulae: Soft Skills Learnt From Studying Physics

Physics has a reputation of being all about numbers and calculations, but there is more to it than meets the eye. It has remained one of the key sciences taught in schools not just because of the relevance of its content, but also due to the range of useful skills that it imparts.

If you find yourself knee-deep in tests and homework, looking for motivation to push on, we are here to help. In this article, we will discuss some of the essential soft skills that you will learn throughout your physics journey.


Having to drill physics concepts and formulae may seem tedious to many a physics student, but it builds on a highly relevant skill in any job – memorisation. From receptionists to doctors, every job has a long list of things that the worker would need to remember. Pilots need to memorise complex flight protocols, lawyers have to know copious amount of case details off the top of their head, and social workers need to remember the various sources of assistance for their cases.