Score Higher: Simple Strategies To Boost Your Physics Grade

There is no denying that physics is a rather challenging subject for many students around the globe. As a science that makes heavy use of mathematics, another subject that not all learners are fond of, it comes as no surprise that having to deal with more math combined with another discipline may result in some difficulty with grasping concepts and, ultimately, sub-par grades. Thankfully, as with any other endeavour, conquering physics is far from impossible with enough effort put into studying and practice. If you are looking to score higher on your physics exams, here are some strategies that can help boost your grades to your desired level.

1. Dive Into How Certain Equations Came To Be

Building your foundation in physics requires several things, one of which is to understand better the equations you are working with. After getting acquainted with new equations, it helps to know them like the back of your hand by understanding why and how they work. By picking apart something and understanding how it came about, one can naturally know more about it and better understand it. This is no different in physics.

By gaining a clearer understanding of the equations, learning how to solve physics challenges no matter their difficulty will eventually become easier and more natural over time. Moreover, knowing how to derive equations puts you in a position that lets you better use them effectively.

2. Compartmentalise Big Problems

Anyone would be terrified of having to deal with a problem that is seemingly too challenging to tackle at first, be it in real life or a physics exam. As such, it is recommended to break it down into smaller problems first to avoid being overwhelmed. This will firstly require analysing the problem and dissecting it into solvable pieces. Also, since physics problems often include data not relevant to calculating the solution, another tip to keep in mind is to determine only the information necessary to arrive at the result.

3. Don’t Be Afraid To Use On Drawings And Visual Aid

Another effective way of improving your score in physics exams is by using graphics to illustrate concepts. Ideally, it should not be something you have already seen in your textbooks but an original idea that helps you remember what goes where and how everything relates to one another.

As a way of practising, use mock questions to get a feel for how you should draw your comparisons. Doing so helps in making concepts much easier to understand. Additionally, consider using flashcards when studying to grasp new concepts more swiftly. Once it is time to revise for the real thing, these flashcards are also sure to come in handy for your preparations.

4. Spare More Time For Revision

If your practice and mock exam grades are lower than expected, it may be because you are not putting more time to do revisions. While these exams may not bear as much weight or severely affect your grades compared to actual exams, they exist to help you identify where you are falling short.

When doing revisions, it is imperative to go over everything that you have been taught. Refrain from doing last-minute revisions since it will most likely result in missing one or more topics. Ideally, proper revision begins the moment you review your notes after class is over. And if you are still unsure how to do your revisions, you can always ask your teacher or tutor from Physics tuition about the best techniques and practices they have learned over the years.


Getting better at physics and improving your grades may be hard, but it is far from impossible. By being methodical at approaching one’s studies and answering the actual questions, attaining the exam scores and the overall grade you want is well within your power. However, that is not to say that getting extra help is inadvisable. Enrolling in physics tuition is among the best ways to effectively boost your physics smarts and learn from experienced tutors how to best tackle the challenges of the subject.